FAQ residents - The Mill



Where can I find my entry inventory of the premises?

After your inventory of the premises is signed, it will automatically be sent to your email address. It is a large file and therefore does not always arrive. Also, make sure you check your spam folder. 

If you don't receive the document, you can contact your coach who will be happy to send you the document via WeTransfer.

What if I discover other defects after signing the inventory of the premises?

No worries. Photos can be added to your inventory of the premises in the first two weeks. So make sure you carefully check your inventory of the premises and your apartment thoroughly. If you discover other defects, take photos and send them in a clearly explained email to themill@upliving.be.

Where can I find general information about staying at Upliving?

You can find this information on this page. Great, right? 


Sharing system

What is the Tapazz app and what do I need it for?

At Upliving Ghent - The Mill we use the Tapazz app to use the Laundry.

You have received an email to download the app.

How do I activate my Tapazz account?
  • Accept the invitation in the email.
  • Download the app and log in.
How do I book a washing machine and dryer?
  • Open the Tapazz app.
  • Click on 'Laundry' and book a machine of your choice.
  • Indicate the time that you would like to wash/dry.
  • Go to 'today' / 'bookings' and you will see an overview of your reservations.
  • At the reserved time, go to the Laundry, open the app and press 'start booking'.
  • After serveral notifications, the app will look for the washing machine/dryer and display an 'open/close' button.
  • You will see that the washing machine or dryer will now turn on, so you can select the cycle you want.
  • End your booking within the reserved hours.
  • After your first booking, you will receive an email to pay.
How much does it cost to use the washing machine?

It costs €1,5 per hour*. A wash lasts at least two hours.

*These rates may change.

What should I be aware of during my booked washing time?
  • Start the booking within 15 minutes. Later than 15 mins = no show fee.
  • End your booking on time. If you end it later, you will be charged a fine.
  • Payments are deducted from your account per wash.
  • You will receive a reminder email 10 minutes before the end of your booking.
I have a problem with my Tapazz account. Who can help me?

Contact our helpdesk via support@tapazz.com


Communal BBQ

How to reserve the communal BBQ?

The fixed BBQ is available for use in the garden and operates according to one golden rule: 'you leave the BBQ cleaner than you found it.'



What should I do if my internet connection isn't working or is unstable?

We have a 24/7 support service with Smarteye, the supplier.
You can contact them via 09 395 6000 (24/7).

I would like faster internet. How can this be done?

There are various upgrades available. Ask your coach for more info about the possibilities.


Keys & doorbell

How does the doorbell work?

Each building has a Fasttel system. Your apartment number is linked to your telephone, so you will get a call when someone rings your bell. You are best saving this number as 'doorbell' in your phone. You can open the door with your phone by pressing '2'.

How does my badge work, and where does this give me access to?

The badge gives you access to all the doors you need.
Scan the wall scanner and as soon as the light turns green, you can open the door.



Where can I get rid of my waste?

You can deposit your waste in the waste containers at the Ganda Upkot site. 

How do I sort my waste?

We have four types of waste containers:

  • Residual waste (waste may be in any bag)
  • Cardboard/paper (no bag, no plastic, isomo or other...)
  • PMD (if in a bag : transparent)
  • Glass

Food waste may be given to the chickens – in accordance with the information on the poster on the chicken run.

What should I do if the waste containers are not present in the waste area?

If the containers are not in their familiar place, you will probably find them outside ready for collection.

1 golden rule: never leave your waste behind on the floor. Just go outside and throw it away in the corresponding container.

Where can I take my bulk household waste?

Your bulk household waste belongs at one of the container parks in Ghent. Check https://www.ivago.be.


Your apartment

How does my dishwasher work?

Download the instructions

How does my combi oven work?

Download the instructions

The light in my toilet and my store room stays on! What do I do?

The lighting in the toilet and store room works automatically.
The sensor is very sensitive and usually detects you before you realise, even when the door is closed.

The length of time the light stays on can be adjusted: 5 seconds / 90 seconds / 3 minutes.
If you want it adjusted, contact your coach.

Several light bulbs in my apartment are broken. Where can I buy them? 

You can buy these light bulbs from any local hardware/DIY store.

Tip: take the broken bulb with you so that you can be sure to buy the right type or contact your coach for more details.

What is Open Motics and what do I use it for?

OpenMotics allows you to control your lighting, heating and electricity (sockets) not only with push buttons, but also via your smartphone, tablet or computer - wherever and whenever you want.

Your coach will send you an online invitation to use the application and desktop version (Open Motics Cloud).

More information (manuals & introductory videos) can be found on the website.  

Having technical problems?

Contact the helpdesk via support@openmotics.com or via 09 396 61 23.

I have caused damage to my apartment. What will it cost me?

Ask your coach for the Upfix-it document. Here you will find the price list of all possible repairs.



Where can I find the right colour codes to paint or repaint the walls in my apartment?

Our walls were painted with professional paint. You can find these in specific shops such as Polar Paints in Ghent.

  • White walls: Tennis white RAL 9010 (BRAND: HERBOL)
  • Grey walls: Flamant Noire de Lune 190

! Please note: the same colour codes apply to the doors but you need a different paint (door paint instead of wall paint).

As a tenant, do I have to clean my own windows?

Yes, you do!

The outside of the roof windows in the apartments on the 4th-floor are done once a year by a window cleaner.

As a tenant, am I responsible for scrubbin my terrace?

Yes, you are. It's important that you scrub your terrace annually. The best way is to use a scrubbing bruch and (ecological) cleaning product.



Help, I have seen a mouse on my terrace! What do I do?

Mice are excellent climbers so they could easily be seen on terraces up to the 4th floor. Never leave rubbish lying around on your terrace and make sure you do not collect waste there either.

Help, I have seen a mouse in my apartment! What do I do?

Make sure your food is not accessible. There is a big chance the mouse came in through your terrace door. Having said that, mice only need a hole the width of a pencil to gain access. Make sure they cannot get to any food in your apartment. Spotted pests in your apartment? Take action immediately & inform your coach.


Water & energy

Where can I track my energy consumption?

On floor -1 is our meter reading room. You have access to it and can therefore monitor your meter readings yourself. Can't find it or can't get in anyway?
Contact your coach and he will be happy to show you the way.

I have questions about my energy/water consumption. Where can I go?

Send an email to verhuizen@smooved.be and they will be happy to help you.


Customer Care

Why have I received a reminder from Upliving for rent arrears?

Please send an email to backoffice@upliving.be and our colleagues will be happy to look into it for you.

I would like to change the account number for my direct debit. Is that possible?

No problem at all. Send your details to backoffice@upliving.be and we will change it for you as soon as we can.



My neighbours are causing a nuisance. What can I do?

We are all respectful people. Try to get acquainted with your neighbours and share each other's contact details. Communication is the key to living in harmony 😊.

If you suffer from nuisance on a regular basis, do not hesitate to contact our coach.

I would like to throw a party. Is that allowed?

We want everyone to be able to enjoy their apartment as much as they can. That includes an occasional party, but of course while respecting your neighbour's boundaries. Inform your neighbour about the upcoming party or invite them to come, and the nuisance will be kept to a minimum. Cheers!